On Camera Academy Course Overview

Welcome to the On Camera Academy


You will learn the skills you need to create a simple home recording setup and the most important skills to be comfortable in front of a camera. This is a digital self-paced course. You are welcome to go in order, or skip to the topics you are most interested in. This course is intended to give anyone who wants to create videos or speak in front of a camera from a home or office setup to learn and apply the basics tenets of Filmmaking and Acting.

This is primarily a video-based course. Each of the 7 modules averages 30 minutes of video instruction and 30 minutes of focused applied exercises. So in 1 hour per day for 1 week you can fully complete the course!

The videos have available captions, speed control, and the ability to take notes within the course. There is also an attached written Creative Deck workbook that corresponds with the course outline where you can find the written question prompts, space for references, and mentioned resources.



There are 7 MODULES focused on the main topics you need to know to create comfortably on camera. They are laid out in order to help take you from creating an idea through planning, preparing, practicing, recording, and publishing that on camera project.

  1. Plan
  2. Set
  3. Camera
  4. Mind
  5. Body
  6. Voice
  7. Publish

Each module has 3 main TOPICS. For example; Module 3 contains Set, Design, and Lighting. Each topic has it's own video.

Each topic has 3 SECTIONS. You will use this deck to Design, Develop, and Decide your details.

  • The Design section will walk you through visualization to focus on what your specific goals are for that topic, using the same skills a Hollywood Writer and Director use to imagine their end product in detail and work out many of the opportunities and challenges before ever having to invest time and energy.
  • The Develop section will be the time to learn new skills, research, collect options, and overall deepen your relationship with that topic.
  • The Decide section will help you to make a specific creative choice on the topic to help propel you forward with specificity and confidence.

NOTE: If you have challenges watching any of the videos, check your browser settings and ad block extensions as the strictest security settings may stop tabs from playing videos. Email [email protected] if you have any challenges with getting the course materials to work.

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