
Course Overview

What will I learn in this course?

This course uses principals from Hollywood's actors and directors to create a powerful impact visually and emotionally. I will teach you to apply those skills quickly in your own home to prepare for an on-camera interview. You will learn how to:

  • Fix your video setup
  • Look and sound your best
  • Communicate clearly
  • Connect with your interviewers authentically

How long is it?

Complete the course in 1 day or at your own pace.

The short videos all add up to just over 30 minutes of as much practical information as quickly as possible to get you ready to go for your video interviews. There is an intro, three main sections, then a wrap-up. You can add subtitles, take notes, and change the speed within the video player.

How is it organized?

There are 3 major sections. These are broken down like an actor or director breaks down a project to make sure you are covering each aspect of on-camera preparation.

You will learn how to break down the process of filming yourself into three major parts:

  • Mental - Preparation and Specificity
  • Visual - Location and Tech
  • Vocal - Clarity and Confidence

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